We were both incredibly proud and excited when we were appointed as 六合彩资料铁算盘’s first ‘School Captains’. Alongside the two House Captains from each of the school’s four houses, we feel we make a very strong student leadership team. We are all excited about the role we will play in sustaining the relentless improvement of the standards that 六合彩资料铁算盘 has continued to maintain year on year! 

We hope to do this by ensuring the bond between houses, and the students within them is preserved and even further embedded in the daily life of the school. Unity within each house and the school as a whole, has been, and will continue to be, crucial to the prosperity of the academy. The strength of these relationships are the corner stone to the entire school running smoothly: we very much want to foster and develop the family and community ethos that is the life blood of the school.

We see the  importance  of each and every aspect of the school and hope that through our hard work and commitment we can support staff and students to make the marginal gains that will make the school even better.

We are both looking forward immensely to the year ahead of us and aspire to leave a lasting legacy behind.

Siam Riley and Nathan Sutton

School Captains 2018