"Our aim is to equip all of our students with the skills and knowledge to enable them to become healthy, independent, curious and responsible members of society".

All staff are part of the PSHCE teaching team at 六合彩资料铁算盘 which is delivered over 5 bespoke days across the year and through the daily programme within tutor time and assemblies. The content of these days is adapted as appropriate to meet the needs of the students within school.

Our PSHCE curriculum allows students to understand how they are developing throughout their secondary school years both personally and socially and gives them the opportunity to tackle moral, social and cultural issues that are part of their adolescent lives. Not only do we prepare them for issues that they will face in their adolescent lives, but our aim is to prepare them for life after school. At 六合彩资料铁算盘 we understand the importance of living in a multi鈥恈ultural society and provide our students with the opportunities to learn about different cultures to help them become a valued member of society. By promoting opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities both within school and outside of school, students begin to develop the ability to self鈥恟eflect and develop their own skills. They are encouraged to develop their sense of self鈥恮orth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and within the wider community and we provide plenty of opportunities for them to do so.

PSHCE is taught as part of our Personal Development Curriculum both on drop down days spread over the academic year and as part of our ongoing daily tutor programme. The drop down days provide opportunities targeted at specific year groups with a thematic approach - Living in The Wider World, Sex and Relationships Education and Health and Wellbeing. These days add breadth and depth to the content covered, whilst also raising the profile and creating a buzz around school. Our tutor time provision gives students the opportunity to engage with and discuss some elements of our PSHCE curriculum as a vertical group, providing opportunities for students to develop empathy and understanding of the viewpoints and experience of their peers. This may include opportunities to discuss current affairs, British Values and wider social, political and religious issues. 

Our CEIAG provision complements our PSHCE curriculum, which has been designed to raise students' aspirations right from Year 7. It allows students to engage with content whilst developing awareness of Post 16 provision, links to higher education, the wider world of work and the local labour market. We also benefit from the support of Careers North who provide impartial advice to our students both individually and in groups. All students make explicit links to the world of work in each subject, in addition to this we have whole school careers focused weeks led by each faculty. These weeks include assemblies, activities and shared information, research opportunities to further explore careers and jobs linked to their faculty and employer encounters through external visitors. 

At Key Stage Four, all students are provided with a wealth of support and information in order to enable them to make informed post 16 choices. This includes both A level, T Level and vocational taster days in Year 10, a Work Experience Placement, all local Post 16 providers leading assemblies and drop-in information sessions in Year 11. Whilst also supporting students through the application process we also invite alumni students into school to give feedback and support.